Privacy & Disclosures

Privacy & Disclosures

Annual FeeNone

Transaction Fees:Balance Transfer

Cash Advance

Foreign Transaction



Up to 1% of each transaction in U.S. dollars

Penalty Fees:Late Payment


Returned Payment

Up to $25.00


Up to $25.00

*Please contact United Texas at 210.561.4500 or 1.800.531.8456 to perform a balance transfer.

How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called “average daily balance (including new purchases).” See your Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure Statement for more details.

Your savings are insured to $250,000 per account by American Share Insurance. This institution is not federally insured. Members’ accounts are not insured or guaranteed by any government or government-sponsored agency.

Daily Periodic Rate: 0.039041%
Margin: 5.75%

Daily Periodic Rate: 0.049288%
Margin: 11.75%

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means to you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and identification numbers, such as social security number and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.

The information about the costs of the Card described in this application is accurate as of 08/01/2023. This information may change after that date. To find out what may have changed, call 1-800-531-8456 or write to United Texas Credit Union at 5500 UTSA Blvd., San Antonio, Texas 78249.

TERMS USED IN THIS AGREEMENT: This Agreement and Disclosure Statement cover your Platinum Mastercard® Account (“Account”) shown above. In this Agreement, the words “you” and “your” mean any person who signs this Agreement or uses the Card. “We” “our” and “us” mean the credit union named above. The “Card” means any credit card issued to you or those designated by you under the terms of this Agreement. “Use of the Card” means any procedure used by you, or someone authorized by you, to make a purchase or an advance whether or not the purchase or advance is evidenced by a signed written document. “Unauthorized use” means the use of your Card by a person, other than you, who does not have actual, implied, or apparent authority for such use, and from which you receive no benefit. In this Agreement, any plural terms shall be deemed singular and any singular terms shall be deemed plural when context and construction so require.


EXTENSION OF CREDIT: If your application is approved, we may, at our discretion, establish an Account in your name and cause one or more Cards to be issued to you or those designated by you. In such event, you authorize us to pay for your Account all items reflecting credit purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances obtained through use of the Card.

JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY: If this Agreement is executed by more than one person, each of you shall be jointly and individually liable to us for all charges made to the Account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the other as agent for the purpose of making purchases extended under this Agreement and each use of your Account shall be an extension of credit to all. Notice to one of you shall constitute notice to all. Any joint cardholder may remove him/herself from responsibility for future purchases at any time by notifying us in writing. However, removal from the Account does not release you from any liability already incurred.

OTHERS USING YOUR ACCOUNT: If you allow anyone else to use your Card, you will be liable for all credit extended to such persons. You promise to pay for all purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances made by anyone whom you authorize to use your Card, whether or not you notify us that he or she will be using it. If someone else is authorized to use your Card and you want to end that person’s privilege, you must notify us in writing, and if he or she has a Card, you must return the Card with your written notice for it to be effective.

CONVENIENCE CHECKS: We may, at our discretion, issue checks to you which may be used for any purpose other than making a payment for credit to your Account. By signing such checks, you authorize us to pay the item for the amount indicated and post such amount as a cash advance to your Account. When we receive a convenience check, we may review your Account when deciding whether to pay the check, and you agree that we have the right not to pay a convenience check for any reason. You agree that our refusal to pay a convenience check shall not constitute wrongful dishonor. We do not have to pay any item which would cause the outstanding balance in your Account to exceed your credit limit. Charges that apply in connection with the use of Convenience Checks are as follows: Copy of Paid Check $2.00; Stop Payment on Check $25.00; Non‐Sufficient Funds Check (NSF) up to $25.00. Fees will be assessed at the time they are incurred.

CREDIT LIMITS: You promise that payments we make for your Account resulting from use of the Card will at no time cause the outstanding balance of your Account to exceed your credit limit as established by us or as adjusted from time to time at our discretion. We may limit cash advances and certain other types of advances to a portion of your total credit limit. You agree that we may, but are not obligated to, extend credit to you for an amount that would make your outstanding balance exceed your total credit limit or for any amount if your outstanding balance is already over the total credit limit. If we do allow you to exceed your credit limit, that does not mean that we will allow you to exceed your credit limit in the future, and you should not expect that we will allow you to exceed your credit limit on any occasion. We may adjust your credit limit at any time without notifying you. Your current credit limits are reflected on your periodic statement. You may request a credit limit increase by contacting us. A request for a credit limit increase may be considered a request for new credit and may be subject to credit approval.

PROMISE TO PAY: You promise to pay us in U.S. dollars for (a) all purchases, cash advances, and balance transfers made by you or anyone whom you authorize to use the Card or Account; (b) INTEREST CHARGES and other charges or fees; (c) collection costs and attorney’s fees as permitted by applicable law, and any costs incurred in the recovery of the Card; and (d) credit in excess of your credit limit that we may extend to you. At the end of each monthly billing cycle for which you have a balance on your Account, you will be furnished with a periodic statement showing (i) the “Previous Balance” (the outstanding balance in the Account at the beginning of the billing cycle), (ii) the amount of all cash advances, purchases, balance transfers, Over‐the‐Limit Fees, Late Charges, Annual Fees, INTEREST CHARGES, and other charges or fees posted to your Account during the billing cycle, (iii) the amount of all payments and credits posted to your Account during the billing cycle, and (iv) the “New Balance” which is the sum of (i) and (ii) minus (iii).

You agree to pay on or before the “Payment Due Date” shown on the monthly periodic statement the entire New Balance or a Minimum Payment equal to an amount which is at least 3% of the New Balance or $25.00, whichever is greater, plus any amount in excess of the credit limit established by us and any past due minimum payments. If the New Balance is $25.00 or less, you agree to pay it in full. You may make extra payments in advance of the due date without a penalty, and you may repay any funds advanced, credit extended, or amount outstanding at any time without a penalty for early payment. Regardless of the amount of any extra payment during a given month, a monthly payment will be required the following month if a balance remains in your Account. Making a payment in excess of your minimum payment will reduce the INTEREST CHARGES that are added to your Account.

COST OF CREDIT: Except as provided in this Agreement, you will pay an INTEREST CHARGE for all advances made against your Account. Unless we provide otherwise in connection with a promotional offer, INTEREST CHARGES for cash advances (including convenience checks) and balance transfers begin to accrue on the date of the advance and there is no grace period in which to repay those advances without incurring an INTEREST CHARGE. Purchases of financial instruments such as money orders and engagement in other financial transactions using your Card such as wire transfers will be treated as cash advances and there is no grace period for such transactions. New purchases will not incur an INTEREST CHARGE on the date they are posted to your Account if you have paid the Account in full by the Payment Due Date shown on your previous monthly statement, or if there was no previous balance. If you have paid your Account in full by the due date shown on the previous monthly statement, or if there is no previous balance, you have not less than 25 days to repay your Account balance before an INTEREST CHARGE on new purchases will be imposed. Otherwise, there is no grace period and new purchases will incur an INTEREST CHARGE from the date they are posted to the Account.

The APR for all advances is variable and may increase. The variable APR is based on a margin as determined by us based on your creditworthiness and an index (the “Index”), which is the highest Prime Rate as published in the Money Rates section of The Wall Street Journal on the last publication day of each month. The variable ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE  is subject to change monthly on the first day of each month. Any change in the  Index will be effective on the first day of the billing cycle that begins in the same month in which the Index is published. An increase in the Index will result in an increase in the periodic rate, which in turn, may result in higher payments. APR changes due in changes in the Index will affect both existing and future balances. The variable ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE for all advances in any given billing cycle will be the margin plus the Index. Your specific margin, the Daily Periodic Rate, and the corresponding ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE for all advances are set forth in the Account Opening Disclosures included with this Agreement. The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE will never be higher than 17.99% (.49288% Daily Periodic Rate). If the Index ceases to be published or is otherwise unavailable, we may substitute a substantially similar index.

The periodic INTEREST CHARGE is figured by applying the periodic rate to the “Balance Subject to INTEREST CHARGE” which is the “Average Daily Balance” of your Account, including current transactions. The Average Daily Balance is arrived at by taking the beginning balance of your Account each day, adding in any new cash advances (including balance transfers and convenience checks), and unless you pay your Account in full by the Payment Due Date shown on the previous monthly statement or there is no previous balance, adding in new purchases, and subtracting any payments or credits and unpaid INTEREST CHARGES. This gives us the daily balance. The daily balances for the billing cycle are then added together and divided by the number of days in the billing cycle. The result is the Average Daily Balance. The periodic INTEREST CHARGE is determined by multiplying the Average Daily Balance by the number of days in the billing cycle and applying the periodic rate to the product.

LIABILITY FOR UNAUTHORIZED USE: You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card. If you notice the loss or theft of your Card or possible unauthorized use, you should call us immediately at:


You may also write to us at:

United Texas Credit Union
5500 UTSA Boulevard
San Antonio, TX 78249

Calling us immediately at the telephone number above is the best way to keep your possible losses down.

Under Mastercard’s zero liability policy, you will not be liable for any unauthorized use of your Mastercard if (i) you have exercised reasonable care in safeguarding the Card from risk of loss or theft, and (ii) upon becoming aware of the loss or theft, promptly report the loss or theft to us. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use will not exceed $50, and you will not be liable for any unauthorized use that occurs after you notify us or our designee.

CREDITING OF PAYMENTS: We do not charge for payments made by standard mail service or other standard payment methods approved by us. If we charge a fee for any expedited payment service we offer, that fee will be disclosed to you at the time you request the service. All payments made on your Account at the address designated for payment on the monthly periodic statement will be credited to your Account on the date of receipt. If the date of receipt for a mailed payment is not a business day, your payment may not be credited until the first business day following receipt. Payments received in person by one of our branch employees before the close of business will receive same-day credit. If payment is made at any location other than the address designated on the periodic statement or by any other standard payment method we accept, credit for such payment may be delayed up to five days. A payment submitted in the form of a check or other paper document may be converted to an electronic transaction through procedures established by the National Automated Clearing House Association. If this occurs, the original check or other document sent to us will not be retained, but a copy will be available if requested. To the extent permitted by applicable law, all payments on your Account will be applied first to collection costs, then to any INTEREST CHARGES and other fees due, and then to the unpaid principal balance. Payments made in excess of the required minimum payment will be applied first to the balances with the highest interest rate, if applicable. Interest paid or agreed to be paid shall not exceed the maximum amount permissible under applicable law, and in any contingency whatsoever, if we shall receive anything of value deemed interest under applicable law which would exceed the maximum amount of interest permissible under applicable law, the excessive interest shall be applied to the reduction of the unpaid principal amount or refunded to you.

CREDIT BALANCE. You may request a refund of any credit balance at any time. Otherwise, we will apply it to any new charges on your Account or provide the refund to you as required by law.

LATE CHARGE: If a payment is 10 days or more past due, you will be charged a Late Charge of up to $25.00. In no event will the Late Payment Fee exceed the minimum payment amount for the applicable statement period.



RETURNED PAYMENT FEE: We will charge you a Returned Payment Fee of up to $25.00 each time you pay us with a check that is returned unpaid. We will charge you this fee the first time any payment is returned unpaid, even if it is paid upon resubmission.

REFUSAL TO AUTHORIZE TRANSACTIONS. We may decline any transaction on your Account for any of the following reasons: (1) operational reasons, (2) if your Account is in default (including exceeding your credit limit) or you are delinquent on any obligation owed to us, (3) suspected fraudulent or unlawful activity, or (4) any other reason we choose. We may decline to advise you why we have denied a transaction. If we identify suspicious activity on your Account, we may suspend your Account until we can verify the activity, or we may close your Account for your protection. In addition, we reserve the right to deny transactions or authorizations from merchants whom we believe may be engaging in Internet gambling or are connected to internet gambling. We are not responsible for the refusal of any merchant, financial institution, or ATM to honor your Card or convenience checks issued on your Account.

DEFAULT: You will be in default: (1) if you die, (2) if you fail to make any payment on time; (3) if you fail to keep any promises you have made under this or any other agreement with us; (4) if you are the subject of an order of relief under Title 11 of the U.S. Code (Bankruptcy); (5) if anyone tries, by legal process, to take any of your money maintained with us; (6) if you have given us false or inaccurate information in obtaining your Card or in connection with any periodic update of your information; or (7) if anything happens that we reasonably believe endangers your willingness or ability to repay what you owe to us.

ACCELERATION: If you are in default, without notice to you we may accelerate your debt and call any amounts you owe immediately due and payable, plus INTEREST CHARGES which shall continue to accrue until the entire amount is paid. You expressly waive any right to notice of our intention to accelerate and notice that your debt has been accelerated.

NOTIFICATION ADDRESS FOR INFORMATION REPORTED TO CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCIES: We may report the status and payment history of your Account to credit reporting agencies each month. If you believe that the information we have reported is inaccurate or incomplete, please notify us in writing at the address shown above in this Agreement. Please include your name, address, home telephone number and Account number, and identify the information you believe is incorrect. If your notification relates to an incident of identity theft, we will require a copy of your identity theft report filed with law enforcement authorities.

TERMINATION AND CHANGES: You may terminate this Agreement, by written notice, as to future advances at any time. We reserve the right to require the consent of all joint borrowers to terminate an Account. We can terminate this Agreement at any time subject to such notice as may be required by applicable law. Termination by either party shall not affect your obligation to repay any payments made for your Account resulting from use of the Card as well as INTEREST CHARGES and other related charges. We may add to, change, or delete any terms of this Agreement, including the periodic rate, at any time subject to such notice as may be required by applicable law. If you use your Card or Account to make a purchase or cash advance or balance transfer after having been given notice of a change in terms, you agree that the existing balance in your Account at the time of that use will be subject to the new terms, as shall subsequent uses to the extent permitted by applicable law.

RECEIPT OF AND AGREEMENT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT: By signing the application or by using the Card or the Account, you agree to all the terms and conditions and promise to perform all the obligations, requirements, and duties contained in this Agreement, and you acknowledge receipt of a copy of this Agreement. You agree to notify each cardholder and authorized user that their use of a Card or the Account is subject to this Agreement.

CREDIT INVESTIGATION: In conjunction with your application for credit and, if approved, maintenance of your Account, you agree that we have the right to investigate your credit and employment history, to verify your credit references, to request and use credit reports, and to report the way you pay your Account to credit bureaus and other interested parties.

CONTINUATION OF CREDIT: We may from time to time request personal information from you for the purpose of updating your credit status, according to normal credit procedures. Your failure to provide such information when requested by us may result in suspension of your line of credit privileges under this Agreement, including your ability to obtain any future advances by any means.

CREDIT INSURANCE: If offered, credit insurance is not required for any extension of credit under this Agreement. However, you may purchase any credit insurance available through us and have the premium added to the outstanding balance in your Account. If you elect to do so, you will be given the necessary disclosures and documents separately.

EXPIRATION OF CARD: The Card will not be valid after the expiration date printed on the front of the Card and it must not be used after that date.

RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT OF CARDS: We will continue to issue renewal or replacement Cards until we revoke the right to use the Card or until your Card Account is closed.

MILITARY COVERED BORROWERS: If you are a Covered Borrower under the Military Lending Act, federal law provides important protections to members of the Armed Forces and their dependents relating to extensions of consumer credit. In general, the cost of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not exceed an annual percentage rate of 36 percent. This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction or account: The costs associated with credit insurance premiums; fees for ancillary products sold in connection with the credit transaction; any application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified credit transactions or accounts); and any participation fee charged (other than certain participation fees for a credit card account). To receive an oral disclosure of the foregoing and information concerning your payment obligation under this Agreement, please call 1-800-538-9552. You may also refer to the Promise to Pay section of this Agreement for information concerning your payment obligation under this Agreement.

Telephone Monitoring and Contacting YouTo ensure quality service, you agree that we, our agents, and our service provider may monitor and/or record any telephone communications with you. By providing your telephone numbers to us, including any cellular telephone number, you represent that you are the subscriber and/or customary user of such telephone numbers. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that we, our agents, and our service provider may contact you for any purpose (including collection purposes) at any telephone number or e-mail address you have provided to us, or from which you call or email us, or which we have obtained and believe you can be contacted at. We may contact you by voice, text, e-mail, or any other available means. Voice calls and text messages may be made using any available technology such as an auto dialer and/or a prerecorded or artificial voice. Message and data rates may apply. If you change, cancel, or reassign any of your telephone numbers or e-mail addresses, you agree to notify us promptly. You agree to hold us harmless for any misrepresentation or non-compliance with the terms of this section.

ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: Each provision of this Agreement must be considered part of the total Agreement and cannot in any way be severed from it. However, if any provision of this Agreement is finally determined to be void or unenforceable under any law, rule, or regulation, all other provisions of this Agreement will remain valid and enforceable. You understand that this Agreement is performable in the county and state of the credit union shown above in this Agreement, and the validity, construction, and enforcement of this Agreement shall be governed by applicable federal law and the laws of the state in which the credit union shown above is primarily located. Use of your Card is also subject to the policies and rules of Mastercard International as applicable and in effect from time to time. We do not warrant any merchandise or services purchased by you with the Card. All purchases and cash advances are extended at the option of the merchant or cash-advancing financial institution and we are not responsible for the refusal of any merchant or financial institution to honor your Card. The Card remains our property at all times and you agree to immediately surrender the Card upon demand. You agree to pay all reasonable costs of collection, including court costs and attorney’s fees, and any costs incurred in the recovery of the Card. We can accept late payments or partial payments or checks or money orders marked “payment in full” without losing any of our rights under this Agreement. We can also delay enforcing any of our rights under this Agreement without losing them. You expressly waive presentment for payment, demand, protest, and notice of protest and dishonor of same. Account statements will be mailed or provided to you at the most recent address you have given us. You agree to give us prompt notice of any change in your name, home address, mailing address, telephone number or place of employment. No indulgence or acceptance by us of delinquent or partial payments constitutes a waiver of our rights or of any provision of this Agreement. No waiver of any existing default shall be deemed to waive any subsequent default.

You may not use your Card for any illegal transaction. You agree that we may decline to process any transaction which we believe in good faith to be for an illegal purpose or that poses an undue risk of illegality. You agree that we will not be liable for declining to process any such transaction. If we do process any transaction which ultimately is determined to have been for an illegal purpose, you agree that you will remain liable to us under this Agreement for any such transaction notwithstanding its illegal nature. You agree that any illegal use of the Card will be deemed an act of default under this Agreement. You further agree to waive any right to take legal action against us for your illegal use of the Card and to indemnify and hold us, Mastercard International, Incorporated harmless from and against any lawsuits, other legal action, or liability that results directly or indirectly from such illegal use.

If you conduct an international transaction with your Mastercard, part of Mastercard’s currency conversion procedure includes use of either a government-mandated exchange rate or a wholesale exchange rate selected by Mastercard. The government-mandated exchange rate or wholesale exchange rate Mastercard uses for a particular transaction is the rate Mastercard selects for the applicable currency on the date the transaction is processed, which may differ from the rate selected on the date the transaction occurred or the date the transaction is posted to your Account. We will charge a Foreign Transaction Fee of up to 1% of the transaction amount (.8% for the Mastercard Issuer Cross-border Assessment and .2% for the Mastercard Currency Conversion Assessment) on all international purchase, cash disbursement, and Account credit transactions, whether originally made in U.S. dollars or converted from a foreign currency. There is no grace period within which to repay international transactions in order to avoid paying the Foreign Transaction Fee.


This notice contains important information about your rights and our responsibilities under the Fair Credit Billing Act.

What to Do if You Find a Mistake on Your Statement
If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at:

United Texas Credit Union
5500 UTSA Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78249

In your letter, give us the following information:

  • Account information: Your name and Account number.
  • Dollar amount: The dollar amount of the suspected error.
  • Description of problem: If you think there is an error on your statement, describe what you believe is wrong and why you believe it is a mistake.

You must contact us:

  • Within 60 days after the error appeared on your statement.
  • At least 3 business days before an automated payment is scheduled, if you want to stop payment on the amount you think is wrong.

You must notify us of any potential errors in writing. You may call us, but if you do we are not required to investigate any potential errors and you may have to pay the amount in question.

What Will Happen After We Receive Your Letter
When we receive your letter, we must do two things:

  1. Within 30 days of receiving your letter, we must tell you that we received your letter. We will also tell you if we have already corrected the error.
  2. Within 90 days of receiving your letter, we must either correct the error or explain to you why we believe your statement is correct.

While we investigate whether or not there has been an error:

  • We cannot try to collect the amount in question or report you as delinquent on that amount.
  • The charge in question may remain on your statement, and we may continue to charge you interest on that amount.
  • While you do not have to pay the amount in question, you are responsible for the remainder of your balance.
  • We can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit.

After we finish our investigation, one of two things will happen:

  • If we made a mistake: You will not have to pay the amount in question or any interest or other fees related to that amount.
  • If we do not believe there was a mistake: You will have to pay the amount in question along with applicable interest and fees. We will send you a statement of the amount you owe, and the date payment is due. We may then report you as delinquent if you do not pay the amount we think you owe.

If you receive our explanation but still believe your statement is wrong, you must write to us within 10 days telling us that you still refuse to pay. If you do so, we cannot report you as delinquent without also reporting that you are questioning your statement. We must tell you the name of anyone to whom we reported you as delinquent, and we must let those organizations know when the matter has been settled between us.

If we do not follow all of the rules above, you do not have to pay the first $50 of the amount you question even if your bill is correct.

Your Rights if You are Dissatisfied with Your Credit Card Purchases

If you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you have purchased with your credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the purchase. To use this right, all of the following must be true:

  1. The purchase must have been made in your home state or within 100 miles of your current mailing address, and the purchase price must have been more than $50. (Note: Neither of these are necessary if your purchase was based on an advertisement we mailed to you, or if we own the company that sold you the goods or services.)
  2. You must have used your credit card for the purchase. Purchases made with cash advances from an ATM or with a check that accesses your credit card Account do not qualify.
  3. You must not yet have fully paid for the purchase. If all of the criteria above are met and you are still dissatisfied with the purchase, contact us in writing at:

United Texas Credit Union
5500 UTSA Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78249

While we investigate, the same rules apply to the disputed amount as discussed above. After we finish our investigation, we will tell you our decision. At that point, if we think you owe an amount and you do not pay, we may report you as delinquent.

MEMBER SERVICE: 1-800-531-8456 (Please have Account information available.)

New York and Vermont residents: At any time, we may obtain your credit reports, for any legitimate purpose associated with the account or the application or request for an account, including but not limited to reviewing, modifying, renewing and collecting on your account. On your request, you will be informed if such a report was ordered. If so, you will be given the name and address of the consumer reporting agency furnishing the report.

California residents: You have the right to prohibit us from disclosing to marketers of goods marketing information concerning you that discloses your identity. You may exercise your right by calling us at 1-800-531-8456. If you are a married applicant, you may apply for credit in your own name. Applicants: 1) may, after credit approval, use the credit card account up to its credit limit; 2) may be liable for amounts extended under the plan to any joint applicant. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit reporting agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations.

Maine residents: Consumer reports (credit reports) may be requested in connection with this application. Upon request, you will be informed whether or not a consumer report was requested and, if it was, of the name and address of the consumer reporting agency that furnished the report.

Ohio residents: Ohio anti-discrimination laws require creditors to make credit equally available to all credit worthy customers and that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on individuals upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.

Married Wisconsin residents: No provision of any marital property agreement, unilateral statement, or court order applying to marital property will adversely affect a creditor’s interests unless prior to the time credit is granted, the creditor is furnished with a copy of the agreement, statement or court order, or has actual knowledge of the provision.