If you’re graduating in May, congratulations (assuming you survive finals, that is). You’ve survived four years of nose-to-the-grindstone studying, four years of ramen noodle breakfasts, and four years of frantic, last-minute papers. Your family and friends are eager to celebrate your accomplishment. One of the ways they know how to do that is with graduation presents consisting of cash.
It may seem crass to plan for gift money you haven’t gotten yet, but it’s crass with a purpose. The money you don’t have a plan for turns into concert tickets, electronics, and other splurges. Making a plan to use your graduation money can prevent you from relying on debt to cover your lifestyle startup costs. Consider making space in your graduation gifting for these must-haves.
1.) Use graduation presents to build a professional wardrobe
If you have a new employer waiting for you to show up to work, chances are they won’t be as sympathetic to sweatpants and band T-shirts as your TA was. Getting two or three professional items of clothing will help you hit the ground running on day one. You won’t have to worry about cramming into dress clothes that did fit before you spent three years eating pizza every other day. And if you don’t yet have an employer, buying a good interview outfit is a wise investment.
2.) Your graduation presents can help you start saving for retirement
It’s weird to think about how your career will end before it starts, but it’s never too early. Starting a Roth IRA will keep your money growing tax-free. You’ll need to start this sometime, and it’s much less daunting to add to a retirement account than to start from zero. Though early withdrawal of IRA funds should be limited for many reasons, the money is available for major purchases like your first home, or if you need it due to a medical emergency.
3.) Build an emergency fund with your graduation presents
Right now, your financial future is very fragile. You’ve spent a lot of time and money developing your ability to work and making yourself more attractive to an employer. What would you do if you found yourself unable to work for several months? What if you needed car repairs to get to work? Right now, before you have to worry about a rent payment or a utility bill, is the best time to start saving for those emergencies. Stashing away money in an emergency fund is a great way to ensure the investment you’ve made in yourself.
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