12 Ways to Practice Safe ATM Transactions

ATM fraud is on the rise. This guide is designed to help you protect yourself and your account from theft by making safe ATM transactions.

Here are 12 ways to practice safe ATM transactions:

  1. First things first, make a note (perhaps in your phone contacts list) of what to do if your debit card is lost or stolen. Call (800) 531-8456 anytime 24/7. And be sure to sign up for our United Texas Mobile app, to easily turn off card access anytime, as well as securely review account balances, transfer funds, deposit checks, and much more.
  2. Be aware of your surroundings and exercise caution when withdrawing funds. If you see suspicious people or circumstances, do not use the ATM. If you begin a transaction, cancel it, take your card and leave.
  3. Also, inspect ATMs for tampering. Look for recent device modifications – bulky keypads, electrical tape, fresh glue, unworn plastic, etc., which can be signs of a PIN capture device or ATM skimmer. ATM security cameras are obvious; tiny cameras that provide clear views of the keypad are a prime target for recording PINs.
  4. Only use ATMs in well-lit, public spaces. Avoid ATMs in tourist hot spots like shopping malls. Instead, use those that offer drive-up service and don’t have buildings or heavy foot traffic nearby. Put your cash away immediately.
  5. Cover the PIN pad with your other hand to keep your transaction safe from prying eyes.
  6. Treat your debit card as if it were cash. Using a safety envelope may prevent unauthorized scanning of debit cards. All of our branches carry RFID-blocking card envelopes and we will provide them upon request.
  7. Do not share your PIN with anyone you don’t want using your card (and that should be a very small circle). If you write down your PIN, don’t carry it in your wallet or record it on your phone!
  8. In addition, file a report with law enforcement if you are a victim of an ATM crime. File where the crime was committed and obtain a copy of the offense number.
  9. DO NOT let strangers “help” you with any ATM transaction. Go to a branch location instead.
  10. Store ATM receipts in a secure location or shred them. Do not leave them at the ATM. Monitor your checking account statement regularly and then contact us to report any suspicious or unknown charges or unusual account activity.
  11. Never give information about your cards on the telephone or the Internet, unless it is a trusted merchant and you initiated the transaction.
  12. Whenever possible, process your debit card transaction as a “credit” transaction. You will need to sign for it rather than enter a PIN that the next person in line can see.

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